Having successfully let the long vacant 5,000 sq ft of offices at Cambridge Technopark on Newmarket Road for Iliffe Print Cambridge Ltd – former owners of the Cambridge News – Robinson Layer have now been appointed as sole agents to advise on the refurbishment and letting of a new fully self-contained ground floor suite of 8,200 sq ft at the firm’s Milton site.
Mark Robinson of the agents said: “Solving the longstanding problem of Technopark opened the door to another, more significant instruction from the client. What is planned at the Milton site is the creation of a comprehensively refurbished modern office with full air conditioning and bags of parking, just across the A14 from Cambridge Science Park, at half the price, being a competitive rent of only £16.50 per sq ft. This will offer tremendous value for an organisation needing to be close to the park but wanting to avoid the £30 plus per sq ft now being charged there.”
The offices form part of the Cambridge News building, close to the Milton intersection and opposite Tesco Supermarket. Robinson Layer has also negotiated lease renewal terms with Local World, publisher of the Cambridge News, which occupies the remainder of the building and the firm has been retained to manage the building services and administer the service charge when the building is fully let.
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