Cutting Edge Podiatry Steps into Barnwell Road with Just For Pets
Robinson Layer have concluded two new lettings on the popular Barnwell Road to Just for Pets and Cutting-Edge Podiatry.
Just for Pets have taken Unit 4, previously let to Rutland Cycles, and transformed the space into an amazing pet store with a huge range of pet products and food.
Unit 2 on Barnwell Road has also just had a full refurbishment and is now on the market to let upon terms to be agreed at an annual rent of £50,000 per annum exclusive.
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Deal Done at Dales Manor
We are delighted to have concluded the letting of 33,381 sq ft of Units B, C & D at Dales Manor, Sawston to Total Tools Ltd.
Steven Harvey takes top spot in EG Radius Rankings for Cambridge
2024 was a busy year for Steven Harvey who managed to top the EG Radius Rankings with 16 deals and 23 throughout Cambridgeshire putting him in 4th place.
New blood, same ethos at Robinson Layer…
Commercial property specialists Robinson Layer have gone through a significant transition recently. Jonathan Lager retired in March and Peter Layer ended his consultancy to the business at the end of 2023.