... coming soon to a High Street near you
Our expertise and focus in the retail sector is very much on local high streets, market towns, good secondary locations and neighbourhood parades.
We have successfully dealt with numerous shops in this sector, both letting and selling to national multiples and local traders. This specialist focus enables us to provide the following;
Our retail property agency is handled by Jonathan Lager, who worked in the property department of one of the world's largest retailers and now enjoys specialising in more local matters, bringing with him the additional experience gained as also acting as managing agent on a number of retail parades in the area.
If you are shopping for a good retail agent, then contact Jonathan to discuss how he can secure an occupier for your shop property.
Steven Harvey BA (Hons) MRICS Consultant Commercial Estate Agency DD: 01223 346192 Email: Click Here
Chartered Surveyor, with over 18 years' experience of dealing with all types of commercial property, having been based in Cambridge throughout this period.
Areas Of Expertise: